Tom with kids in Kuwait

Tom with kids in Kuwait
Tom with kids in Kuwait

Saturday, June 20, 2020

If I took all the time I spent on Facebook

If I took all the time I spent on Facebook
And used it for something more
Would I lose my online connections
Or open other doors?

Could the world survive without my comments?
So much seems to be at stake
Between presidential politics
And ever vitriolic debate.

If I don’t post which lives matter
Do any matter at all?
If I don’t patrol the ongoing clatter
Through the cracks something will fall.

Can I live apart from the nonstop banter?
Does the absurd comment demand my immediate response?
If it’s not posted does it really matter?
Whose to turn it on or turn it off?

People say things ever so boldly
That in person they don’t embrace.
Some injustice brings bold words of broadcast
That they won’t say with you face-to-face.

Baseball and birthdays now come with video
And can be posted in a flash.
A welcome reprieve from the drama
Where opposing views must clash.

So what to do with this thing called Facebook
It has engulfed most every life.
Take it or leave it or a little of both
Either way there is a price.

Now reflect upon this premise
Not yet spoken in this rhyme
We are truly a blessed people
To have the time to be online.

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