Tom with kids in Kuwait

Tom with kids in Kuwait
Tom with kids in Kuwait

Monday, September 15, 2014

Wisdom says use your gifts and talents to connect the disconnected

People in these parts are generous.

They help those who need help.

We who administer the help—aka the church—are called to do more than logistics.  We are God’s people and God gives us wisdom generously when we ask him.

That wisdom says that in all of our ministries we are to connect the disconnected.  Ministry is not about how much food we give out but about people receiving and responding to the Bread of Life.  It is about the Living Water that will quench their thirst eternally.

Wisdom says it is not about how many children received school supplies but about the families that they return to at the end of the school day being connected to the church better than they are to the internet.

Wisdom says that Trunk or Treat can be fun, but more than candy and spooky looking costumes, children need something more substantial than candy.  When children come, they need to experience God’s love.  The parents who come with them need to know that their lives are like the empty calories in Halloween candy without Jesus.  Those who follow Jesus need to speak the truth in love with them.

Wisdom says that going to the ball game and sitting next to people who are disconnected from the Body of Christ and not helping them connect is like watching them drown.

Wisdom says that not doing what we are commissioned to do because it makes us and others uncomfortable is a sign that we have conformed to the patterns of this world.  Ouch!

What do you call a Christian who has conformed to the patterns of this world?  I don’t know.  It is a condition that truly should not exist.

We have one Master and one Lord and one Savior.  He said, “Follow me.”  He commissioned us to take his love and salvation into the world.  We who follow form the Body of Christ and that family of faith does our Master’s work in the world today.

We must not conform to the patterns of this world because they make us and others uncomfortable.  We must do God’s work until it is the pattern of the world that causes us discomfort.

That means that we connect with the disconnected and bring them into the Body of Christ where they can receive encouragement, counseling, discipline, education, fellowship, and so many opportunities to truly serve our Lord.

We always have food and school supplies and even money to help where needed but these must be put to use wisely and produce a return for our Master.  We must use the talents that our Lord gave us through his people, and connect the disconnected.

Our time, talents, and treasures have little intrinsic value.  Their value comes in how we put them to work for the Kingdom of God.


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